Wednesday, July 22, 2009

stay away from the magazines!

It's rough coming home from vacation. The real world smacks you around and all those mundane tasks rear their ugly heads-the laundry, meals, dumb other things you gotta do like get a car to pass the WHOLE ugly California thing for the want of one light....ooops...trying to be better, not bitter...

When the realization hit today that we were OUT of a few things, I took on my Procurement role and headed to the local Target for retail purchase and walking/shopping therapy. That last option is why I'm writing today. As I continue to ponder why I just keep on struggling to start being more healthy and eat the same stuff over and over (I keep telling myself that I really don't want to change how I eat, and I really don't today) i found myself wandering past the magazines. I have no idea why I did this, really. Something inside me said "Look for SOMETHING to inspire me to work on the health issues"... so....I looked.... scanned...hunted.........

Airbrushed women, beautifully placed food, careful settings greeted my eyes. So many magazines touted information on "healthy tips", "make your mate fulfilled", "drop that size", etc. that I should have seemingly found what I was looking for. But just as 20 years later U2 hasn't found it, I haven't either.
I am fed up and frustrated with this whole thing.
I know it takes time.
I know it takes motivation.
I have neither.
And something in me at that moment cried inside.

Perhaps you've been there. Perhaps you can say "Done that. Bought the t-shirt."

Short of miracles, I don't know what else to do. Even here. I know what to do.


I"m overwhelmed right now.

...thanks for listening....

Thursday, June 25, 2009

He was no king of Pop... just a once talented individual

OK-let's put the Jackson thing in perspective-talent-once upon a time-big abuser of stardom-yep.

Wanna know irony???
I'm the same age as him, Madonna, and Prince....
Done with the circus...he was a shadow of what he was a generation ago, and sadly enough, his freak show the last 15 years was his fault.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

do a kindness-you receive more!

One of the things I've chosen as a weekly goal is to be kind to a stranger at least 4 times a week. It's not really all that hard, you know. First, it can be the attitude you take behind the wheel. Just letting the pedestrians walk, not screaming at the guy who cut you off who doesn't care and can't hear you, and parking further out are just some of the really easy ways to do this.

Next-just the open door and friendly greetings make you a much happier to deal with person to others. Check out clerks take so much abuse these days. I see and hear so many evil rants and curses given to people who are just trying to do their job and make a living. I make it a point to at least wish them a nice day or good evening sincerely. Try it-it's a way to make your shopping more pleasant.

And that brings me to my story for today:
I was leaving my local Target today and as usual, drivers are not watching for the pedestrians, especially the lovely senior citizen trying to get to her car across the drive. We both waited, and as the traffic eased, I commented to her "I'll be your shield-let's go!" She got a huge chuckle from the remark as we both made it safely to the parking lot side.

Being kind isn't just a goal-make it a way of life.
Jesus mentions in Matthew 24-"Whatever you do for the least of these...."
It's my way of life...
I encourage you to make it yours, too!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Hallowed ground for U.S. war heroes

Most people are familiar with the American cemetery at Normandy. But few have heard of the 23 other foreign final resting places for our war heroes.

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I really enjoyed this article!

Friday, May 15, 2009

On a Weighty Issue

I'm overweight. Jesus loves me.

I don't care anymore, or at least try not to. Sometimes Jesus loves me is all that gets me through a day.

I don't love me at an ideal weight or where I am now. Jesus does. Somehow that fact doesn't reach me in my core.

I don't care who knows it.

I just want to serve Jesus until He decides I've completed my race here on earth.

Would someone convince me why I should care?

Saturday, February 28, 2009

do i get it?

random shots
so many things to think about
about life
other people
earth stewardship
caring...for earth...for each other...for those we don't know
God help me to get past my own myopia and numbness...