Tuesday, June 23, 2009

do a kindness-you receive more!

One of the things I've chosen as a weekly goal is to be kind to a stranger at least 4 times a week. It's not really all that hard, you know. First, it can be the attitude you take behind the wheel. Just letting the pedestrians walk, not screaming at the guy who cut you off who doesn't care and can't hear you, and parking further out are just some of the really easy ways to do this.

Next-just the open door and friendly greetings make you a much happier to deal with person to others. Check out clerks take so much abuse these days. I see and hear so many evil rants and curses given to people who are just trying to do their job and make a living. I make it a point to at least wish them a nice day or good evening sincerely. Try it-it's a way to make your shopping more pleasant.

And that brings me to my story for today:
I was leaving my local Target today and as usual, drivers are not watching for the pedestrians, especially the lovely senior citizen trying to get to her car across the drive. We both waited, and as the traffic eased, I commented to her "I'll be your shield-let's go!" She got a huge chuckle from the remark as we both made it safely to the parking lot side.

Being kind isn't just a goal-make it a way of life.
Jesus mentions in Matthew 24-"Whatever you do for the least of these...."
It's my way of life...
I encourage you to make it yours, too!

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